Monday, 3 February 2014

Emergency Communications in action during the Dias Festival in Mossel Bay (30 January 2014 - 2 February 2014)

"The arrival of the Portugese seafarer Bartolomeu Dias and his fleet in Mossel Bay on the 3 February 1488 sparked a significant meeting of cultures that would have a profound effect on the history of South Africa as we know it today.  It also gave Mossel Bay a unique place in history of our country."  - Alderlady Marie Ferreira, Executive Mayor.

The meeting of cultures continue and there was no exception this past few days.  Amateur Radio was privileged to find it's rightful place amongst the following exhibitors at the Diaz Festival: 
  • Various SAPS Static Displays
  • Correctional Service Displays
  • Western Cape Forensic Pathology Services
  • Mossel Bay Fire Brigade
  • Joint Operational Centre (JOC)
An amateur radio station and exhibition of equipment were displayed  in the old power station building in Mossel Bay under the hospice of the Southern Cape Amateur Radio Club.  This was one of the largest amateur radio exhibitions ever in the Mossel Bay area. Various aspects of amateur radio were demonstrated to the public but the main theme constituted amateur radio emergency communications - Ham Radio is there to provide primary communications when all else fails!.

The following aspects of amateur radio were demonstrated and displayed to the public:
  • HF Radio Communications
  • Digital Modes
  • Homebrew (home-built) HF Receivers
  • History of Radio (Static display of Valve HF Radios and Morse Code Keys)
  • VHF/UHF Radio Communications
  • Computer use in Amateur Radio
  • APRS as a mode for use in Search and Rescue Missions
  • Various APRS Trackers and Software for use in Search and Rescue Missions
  • The linking of Smart Phones and Amateur Radio during Search and Rescue Missions
  • Various videos were projected on a large screen for the public to view (DXpedition video to the Orkney Island, Emergency Communications during the 2001 Tsunami Disaster and Amateur Radio Today - Emergency Communications)
  • HAMNET - Emergency Communications Division of the South African Radio League
The exhibition were visited by members of the general public, Western Cape Area General of  the SAPS and various radio amateurs from  the Southern Cape Area.  Radio contact was established on HF, VHF and Echolink throughout the weekend. A special contact was established with the South African Radio League President, Rassie Erasmus ZS1YT on Saturday morning where he expressed best wishes and appreciation to all involved in the exhibition.  Another special contact was also made with Pierre Tromp (ZS1HF),  Hamnet Western Cape on the '7,110 Emergency Net'.

This was a great event and opportunity to also test emergency communications in and from the Southern Cape. A great success story.  I would like to thank every single person that contacted or rendered any help to make this special event such a huge success.   We are looking forward to the 2015 Diaz Festival where cultures meet.  So if you did not visit our exhibition this year come and visit us in 2015 and enjoy our display and company at one of the greatest festivals in South Africa.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the following radio amateurs who ensured that this event was such a great success:

Hans Potgieter ZS6ALJ
Sharon Malcolm ZS1SLM
Abe Swiegelaar ZS1ZS
Willie Hewitt ZS2CC
Nico Oelofse ZS4N
Sarel Nienaber ZS1SGN
Ben en Elrica van der Merwe ZS1BEN + ZS1BEL
Beat Streckeinsen  ZS1HB
Thys Louw ZS1TBP
Raymond de Kock ZS1RAY
All radio amateurs that established contact with ZS1SKR (To many to mention here)

Photo Album:

Images: MSBWX (Click on images for larger view.)

Videos to be uploaded soon.