All gone quiet now in Mossel Bay. If you have any storm damage reports please file them at: or tweet us at @SAWXREP
RTWO: 19h10 - MSB storm moved over the sea. (Southward) Intense lighting and thunder visible over the ocean.
Tana Gillow Some intense thunder and lightening in Great Brak River. Has started calming down now after almost 40 minutes of flickering lights and loud bangs.
Lights back on in Heiderand, Mossel Bay but flickering at times. Will venture outside to see where the storm has moved.
We do get lighting and thunder on occasion but not this intense and severe.
This kind of intense lightning and thunder is definitely not a regular occurrence in the Mossel Bay Area.
06h40 - Emergency Power Unit in operation at the moment. Intense lightning moving away from Heiderand, Mossel Bay.
George, Knysna and possibly Plett. Be ready for quite severe thunderstorms. Not much rain but intense lightning and thunder.
Power failure now in Mossel Bay due to intense thunderstorm
Again a word of caution. This storm has damaging potential.
Man o
man this is a real high-veld thunderstorm. Heavy thunder and intense
lightning. Power failure eminent in and around Mossel Bay.
SMS Alarms being received from the Ruiterbos Area. Power affected and possible lightning strikes.
SA Weather Reports @SAWXREP · 53m
Satellite image depicting the current storm clouds in the Southern Cape, Eastern Cape and Little Karoo - Eumetsat
SA Weather Reports @SAWXREP · 57m
Approaching storm can clearly be seen on the latest Wunderground satellite image. Take care out there!
SA Weather Reports @SAWXREP · 1h
RTWW: When thunder roars go indoors!!!!!
Intense lightning observed to the West and NW of Mossel Bay. Be aware that this storm has the potential to cause damage.
17h20 - Mossel Bay Storm approaching from the North West. Looks to be moving along the Outeniqua

17h15 - Thunder and lightning now active over Mossel Bay. Take care and be aware of lightning!