Tuesday 3 June 2014


An intense cold front is expected to affect the Western Cape as well as the
western and central parts of the Northern Cape from Tuesday night through to
Thursday, then the central, northern and eastern parts of RSA from Thursday
through to Saturday.

Below are suggested strategies during cold weather conditions

When temperatures plunge below zero, livestock producers need to give extra
attention to their animals. Prevention is the key to dealing with
hypothermia, and other cold weather injuries in livestock.

What to do when cold/snowfall conditions are forecast

Protecting livestock from cold weather/ snowfalls conditions
*         Please take the extra care to provide for your livestock during
cold periods.
*         Management of the livestock environment- move all livestock to the
safe area. e.g. warm place,
*         It is very important that livestock be provided extra
hay/forage/feed to double the calories for normal body heat maintenance in
extreme cold conditions.
*         Do not shear the Angora goat. Also, take extra time to observe
livestock, looking for early signs of disease and injury.
*         Severe cold-weather injuries or death primarily occur in the very
young or in animals that are already debilitated. Cases of cold
weather-related sudden death in calves often result when livestock are
suffering from undetected infection, particularly pneumonia. Sudden,
unexplained livestock deaths and illnesses should be investigated quickly so
that a cause can be identified and steps can be taken to protect remaining
*         Special attention should be paid to very young and old animals.
They may be less able to tolerate temperature extremes and have weaker
immune systems.

Protecting plants from cold weather/ snowfalls
*         Protect plants by  covering with paper or cloth  over framework
around tree or use mulching
*         Wrapping trunks of frost sensitive trees eg. citrus
*         Watering during cold stages (drip irrigate/apply just a trickle at
base of tree)
*         Increase air circulation

Following are a number of concerns and recommendations
*         Our animals, probably do not have an adequate cold coat for
protection in these very low temperatures.
*         Hypothermia and dehydration are the two most probable
life-threatening conditions for animals in cold weather, wet conditions and
wind-chill add greatly to the cold-stress for animals.
*         Livestock should be provided with wind-break and roof shelter, and
monitored for signs of discomfort (extensive shivering, weakness, lethargy,
*         It is critical that animals have access to drinking water.  Usual
water sources may freeze solid in low temperatures and dehydration becomes a
life-threatening factor.  Many  animals, especially the young, may not know
how or be unable to break several inches of ice to reach water.  In general,
animals tend to drink less in extreme cold, risking dehydration.
*          Adding a warm sloppy bran mash, sloppy moistened beet pulp or
soaking pelleted feed in warm water is a good way to add water to livestock.
*         Select frost tolerant plants over frost prone areas.
*         Place cold sensitive plants in protected locations - northern
exposures, full sun or lock walls.
*         Do not prune cold-damaged plants until they begin growing in

A comprehensive list of strategies can be found in the monthly NAC Advisory.
It can be accessed from the following websites:
www.daff.gov.za<http://www.daff.gov.za/> ,
www.agis.agric.za<http://www.agis.agric.za/> and www.elsenburg.com