Saturday 3 May 2014

Cold Front: 4 - 6 May 2014: Rain, Near Gale Force Wind and possible Snowfall expected.

Image: Eumetsat (Click on image for larger view.)

A cold front is currently south west of the country and is expected to move over parts of the Western-, Southern-, Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal in the next 48 hours.  The latest prediction charts shows that light rain can be expected in parts of the Western Cape, Southern Cape, Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal.  Light rain 1- 6mm, mostly falling on Sunday in the WCP, SCP, EC and by Monday in Kwazulu Natal. Strong to near gale force wind is expected along the coast  from the WNW/WSW on Sunday, calm by Monday in the WCP, SCP and EC.  Cold weather is expected in these areas with the possibility of snow on the higher mountains of the South Western Cape.  Keep and eye on this cold front as we never know when it can turn into a severe weather event.  Noticeably is the fact that the cold fronts is getting more intense as we near winter.

Images: NCEP (Click on image for larger view.)