Wednesday 14 May 2014

Be part of the SA Weather Reports to keep your local community informed of approaching Severe Weather and possible Disasters.

The effects of severe weather are felt every year by many South Africans. To obtain real time weather information, the @SAWXREP was established 1 April 2014 on Twitter.   Volunteers (members of the public, radio amateurs and the Media) help keep their local communities safe and informed by providing timely and accurate reports, images, photos and real time observation information of severe weather or disasters to SAWXREP.  The public is requested to provide vital real time weather observations in their area. SAWXREP is a non-profit organization that renders a FREE COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICE.

A Service by the Public for the Public. 

Die uitwerking van gure weer word jaarliks deur baie Suid Afrikaners beleef. Ten einde intydse weerwaarnemings inligting te bekom vanaf die publiek het die @SAWXREP via Twitter tot stand gekom op die 1 April 2014 via Twitter. Vrywilligers (lede van die publiek, radio amateurs en die media) voorsien SAWXREP van intydse weerwaarnemings ten einde hul plaaslike gemeenskap op hoogte te hou van gure weerstoestande dmv fotos, beelde, rapporte en inligting.  Die publiek word versoek om SAWXREP te voorsien van weerwaarnemings in hul area. SAWXREP is 'n nie winsgewende organisasie wat 'n gratis gemeenskapsdiens lewer.

'n Diens deur die Publiek vir die Publiek