Monday, 6 January 2014

Update: Cold front and cut-off low could result in unseasonal weather for parts of the Western- and Southern Cape (4 - 9 January 2014)

Very little rain (5mm) has fallen over this past weekend in Mossel Bay.  Predictions indicate a significant drop in rainfall for parts of the Southern Cape however I am still of the opinion that we should keep an eye on the weather the next few days.  Thunderstorms can be expected in areas of the interior while moderate to light rainfall is still expected over parts of the Western- and Southern Cape by Tuesday/Wednesday if the current conditions persist.

This mornings satellite image revealed a "rare" weather pattern not seen regularly.  We have a cut-off low to the west of South Africa and a cyclone to the east with several low pressure systems in between.
This can clearly be seen on the following two images.

Images: Eumetsat + SAWS (Click on images for larger view.)

Let's keep an eye on the weather especially the cut-off low and reminiscence of cyclone Bejisa for the next few days. It looks like it is going to be an overcast week with the odd rain shower in parts of the Southern Cape.  Although this weather system did not live up to the expectations yet it is never the less a very interesting system to observe and study.