UPDATE 17h00 SAST: The weather changed literally from sunshine to overcast this afternoon. Rain expected in the next two hours. It is 8/8 overcast, 21 Deg/C, Wind light SW, Dewpoint: 19 Deg/C, Humidity: 89%.
From the latest prediction charts it would appear that the Southern Cape and Garden Route Area can expect some rainy weather for the next few days. Heavy rain (>25mm) is forecast along the Southern Cape coast starting from this evening. MSBWX will keep a close watch on the weather for the next few days and will update this topic as and when necessary.
GFS Medium Range Forecasts of Vertical Velocity and Precipitation Charts - NCEP
Images: NCEP (Click on images for larger view.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: We describe and display the results from the forecast models of the U.S. National Center for Environmental Prediction. (NCEP) This guide is not meant to be a thorough and complete description, but to give an overview of the forecasts and their presentation. - MSBWX