Tuesday 15 October 2013

Real Time Weather Observation: 2013 Mossel Bay Mini Air Race - 13 October 2013

The 2013 Mossel Bay Mini Air Race was hosted by the Mossel Bay Aero Club and was held around Mossel Bay on the 13 October 2013 after it was postponed on Saturday due to gale force winds that accompanied a cold front.

By all reports the event organisation made it one to be remembered. Well done to all involved to make this another best event on the Southern Cape Aviation and Amateur Radio Calender.

Such an event rely on marshals to make the event a success.  Amongst the marshals for this race were several Southern Cape Radio Amateurs that manned the control station at the Mossel Bay Airfield and two turning points.

Turn Point 1:   Lee Airfield - Johan van Aarde ZS2I and Johan Terblanche ZS1I
Turn Point 2:   Kanon - Abe Swiegelaar ZS1ZS and Beat Streckeinsen ZS1HB
Control Station Mossel Bay Airfield: Sharon Malcolm ZS1SLM and Raymond de Kock ZS1RAY

(Click on images for larger view. - Google Earth)

At the final briefing Hans ZS1ALJ (Event Organizer) pointed out the responsibilities of the Turn Point Marshals (Radio Amateurs) which entailed:

1.  Man turn points at allocated points .
2.  Test effective communications to all turning points
3.  Record all aircraft passing the turn point with aircraft call sign and time ie: ZS-KYK - time in HH:MM:SS - 10:15:45
4.  Send through log sheets to control in Mossel Bay via VHF Radio.
5.  Aircraft will pass the turn point at no lower that 200 ft and not higher that 700 ft.
6.  Aircraft passing turn points will announce their call sign and turn point name on 124.2Mhz AM.
7.  Aircraft passing the points must be seen and heard ie: spotter sees aircraft with call sign ZS-KYK - monitors 124.2 hears  - records on log sheet.
8.  Any deviation of this needs to be recorded - it not seen - if not hear - to high - to low
9.  Curtious to all public at the turn point.
10.  Leave the turn point as was found - neat and tidy.

After the briefing in Mossel Bay it was time to head for the respective turning points.  From hereon the author of this article will describe the events as they unfolded while making our way to the Lee Airfield (Turn Point 1)

The weather on the day was not the most pleasant with a SW wind still friskily blowing and a snap of cold air biting into our bodies on the ground.  After all snow fell on the Western Cape mountains. We were never the less well prepared for the weather and changed to appropriate clothing as needed.

WX Images:  J. Terblanche (Author)

At around 08h00 we left Mossel Bay Airfield for Lee Airfield. We took the N2 in the direction of Albertinia. Just past PetroSA there is turnoff to the Cooper Village.  This is a gravel road. About 10km from the turnoff we met Lee's son who escorted us to their airfield.  It was soon apparent that we are moving into an idyllic area with the most breathtaking view and surroundings.  There was no time for photos as we needed to get to the airfield as soon as possible. We arrived at the airfield just after 09h00 and setup station in a hurry as the first aircraft was visible in the distance.  It was not long before more aircraft make their appearance on the horizon.  We did the necessary marshaling and completed the first round of the race without any flaws. We then had a visit from a local inhabitant living in the area. Quite curious as to what the two men were doing with strange antennas and funny noises coming from little black and yellow boxes.

The second stage of the race started two hours later and once again we successfully went through the motions.  It was really great to watch the planes come buy one by one.  We reported the call signs and times to Mossel Bay Control.  Each stage consisted of two rounds. All those who competed completed the circuit successfully without incident and around 13h00 the last plane passed turn point one. We soon thereafter received the OK to return to Mossel Bay Airfield.  On our way home we had our cameras ready and took photos of the most breathtaking views.

Images: The aircraft that took part in the 2013 Mossel Bay Mini Air Race - Images:  Johan van Aarde (ZS2I)

While returning from the Lee Airfield the author and Johan van Aarde took the following images.

 (Images:  The Author and Johan van Aarde.  Click on images for larger view.)

Yet once again a very successful event with great co-operation between the Mossel Bay Aero Club and the Southern Cape Amateur Radio Club.  For those who did not participate either as competitors or as marshals, you missed out on a great event.  DO NOT THAT THIS HAPPEN AGAIN IN FUTURE! Join us and enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Southern Cape and Garden Route Area.  Finally to each and everyone that made this event a success, a big thank you.  We are looking forward to the next event on the calender!

Article compiled by:

Johan Terblanche ZS1I
Mossel Bay
28 May 2013