The fabled quinary or 5th order rainbow is made by sunlight reflected
five times inside raindrops. Now, for the first time, we have an image
of one.
The familiar primary and secondary rainbows have been known since there were eyes. The long sought 3rd and 4th order rainbows were finally imaged in 2011. Now we have the 5th order!
Harald Edens’ discovery image was taken on August 8, 2012 from the
Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research near the 10,800-foot summit
of South Baldy Peak, New Mexico, USA. This is the first-ever image on
which the 5th order rainbow is positively identified. This version is
considerably enhanced. The raw camera image is here (link to image).
The 5th order lies between the primary and secondary rainbows in the dark sky of Alexanders dark band, where there is no primary or secondary rainbow light.
The fabled quinary or 5th order rainbow
is made by sunlight reflected five times inside raindrops. We see
only its broad greens tending to blue towards the primary bow. Its
yellows and reds are hidden behind the secondary bow.
Harald has now photographed the 5th order several times.
He ascribes his success to the very bright rainbows formed locally from
small thunderstorms and to the exceptionally clear high altitude low
density air. Astute observation over many years by an atmospheric
optics expert also helps somewhat! His scientific account will be
published in the Journal of Applied Optics.
- EarthSky